
SSI UK successfully ships millionth tonne steel slab Linking Thailand and UK operations synergy, returning benefit to SSI

          SSI UK has recently achieved a major milestone having exported over one million tonnes of steel slab through Teesport, which is one of the largest ports in the UK. This willRead More…


SSI shareholders approved “Comprehensive Financial Plan” to enhance long-term financial stability

          Sahaviriya Steel Industries Public Company Limited (SSI), recently held Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2/2012 chaired by Mr. Wit Viriyaprapaikit, Chairman of the Board of Directors, at Grand Ballroom, Thai CCRead More…


TCRSS receives EIA Monitoring Awards 2011

          Dr. Pitaya Pookaman, Assistant to Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, presented the “Excellent Organization by Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Standard 2012” from the Office of Natural Resources and EnvironmentalRead More…


SSI achieves the highest record of 12,449 tonnes daily HRC production Affirm stabilization of production of SSI Bangsaphan – SSI Teesside

            Mr. Win Viriyaprapaikit, Group CEO and President of Sahaviriya Steel Industry Plc (SSI), revealed that SSI Bangsaphan marked the highest record of HRC production for the second time in 2012 withRead More…