
SSI expands Young Agriculturist Project to 4 schools

After success of pilot project in the first three schools in 2008, SSI has expanded the 2nd “Young Soilless Culture Agriculturist Project” to another 4 ready schools in Bangsaphan District : BangsaphanRead More…


SSI shows its community agricultural products in Mobile Agricultural Clinic

Sahaviriya Steel Industries Plc. or SSI brought agricultural products from Organic Fertilizer Bank Project (Tambon Phongprasat and Tambon Thongchai Branch) and pesticide residue free vegetable of Substrate Culture Farm (7 schools) whichRead More…


SSI joins “From misery to happiness of Bangsaphan’s” Project

Sahaviriya Steel Industries Plc. or SSI participated in “From misery to happiness of Bangsaphan’s Project” arranged by Bangsaphan District at Ban Morasuab School ,Tambon Chaikasem. In SSI booth the visitor will seeRead More…