Tag Archives: ssi


SSI HRC output reaches 29 Million Tons

On 25 July 2013, SSI Bangsaphan Plant of Sahaviriya Steel Industries Plc or “SSI,” the ASEAN’s largest fully-integrated flat steel producer, achieved an important milestone when 29 million of cumulative tons of hot-rolledRead More…


540 ฅนเหล็กเข้าร่วม “สหวิริยากรุงเทพไตรกีฬา ครั้งที่ 5” (540 Iron Men join Sahaviriya Bangkok Triathlon 2013)


540 Iron Men join Sahaviriya Bangkok Triathlon 2013, Simon Agoston – Kate Rutherford won Royal Trophies

“Sahaviriya Bangkok Triathlon 2013,” raising funds for leprosy patients and children whose parents are afflicted with HIV, was crowded with 540 participants. Mr. Simon Agoston and Ms. Kate Rutherford won the RoyalRead More…


3 Companies of SSI Group Win Prestigious National Safety 2013 Award.

SSI and 2 affiliates, TCRSS and PPC win prestigious National Safety, Occupational Health and Environment 2013 Awards, and underline its belief “Safety First” as the culture of the organization. SSI Group marksRead More…


SSI – TCRSS อาสา ร่วมลงแรง 1,624 ชั่วโมงงาน ปรับปรุงสถานศึกษา ร.ร.มัธยมนพคุณ